Caring company 2024 20plus
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Good mpf employer 2022 23 colour white line
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CSR in action

We believe that a successful company must contribute to the community in which it operates. We maintain a proactive involvement in a number of civic and environmentally related charities as well as providing support and development to our employees. We have been awarded the Caring Company Logo since 2004, and HSBC Living Business in 2013 and 2014 for good corporate citizenship.

Together with providing services to various not-for-profit entities, we actively support the local community with time and dollars.

Working with our people

We support our employees by allocating resources to training and development. We are continually looking to improve the working environment and introduce efficiencies in the work process. Since 2013 we were awarded the status of Manpower Developer.

Our company is named a Family-Friendly Employer by Family Council, and Good MPF Employer by Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority.

Baker Tilly Hong Kong is an ACCA Approved Employer in the Trainee Development (Platinum level) and Professional Development streams, in recognition for the training and development opportunities provided to staff within the firm.


We recognise that everyone and every firm, large or small, has a stake in the environment. Environmental considerations are an integral part of our daily operations. Over the years we have received accreditations for our conservation effort including participation in International Coastal Cleanup and Earth Hour.

Supported by The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, Baker Tilly received Clean Air certification in 2008 for implementing best practices in energy conservation and emission reduction.

We received the Wastewi$e Label in the "Class of Excellence" category for demonstrating a high commitment to waste reduction.

In May 2014, Baker Tilly Hong Kong was further awarded the Certificate of Merit in the HKAEE Sectoral Awards in the Financial, Legal and Business Consulting Services category.

Lead by example

Baker Tilly Hong Kong strives to add a positive impact to our people and to the community in which we belong. We encourage our clients, associates, and other companies in Hong Kong to look beyond the "business" side of their businesses, and find innovative ways to give back to the community. These can be as simple as adjusting daily operations to reduce carbon emissions.

As a community business, we can attest that harnessing our resources does in fact lead to material gains in operational cost. Some initiatives are not only good for the environment, but are cost-efficient. Whether it is printing on less paper, or using energy-efficient lighting, it's surprising how often such simple actions are overlooked or forgotten. That is why we would like to share our good practices:

  • Environmental policy
  • No shark fin policy
  • Green procurement policy
  • Green office guidelines
  • Deploy T5 light tubes and LED lights to lower energy consumption
  • Install motion sensors in meeting rooms
  • Use multi-purpose devices to save energy and maintenance costs
  • Adopt eFax system to save energy and avoid wastage of paper
  • Use accounting and HR software to eliminate unnecessary paperwork
  • Choose FSC office paper to reduce the impact on the environment
  • Choose office supplies with recycled content
  • Check and clean air filer, louver, diffuser for the fan coil units in the office regularly to maintain efficiency
  • Collect used paper for recycling
  • Adopt Reduce, Reuse and Recycle practice.
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